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Introducing: NOKTA! The first NFC business card in Turkey.

As you can imagine, this is an exciting time for us here at NOKTA. We are proud to be the first company to bring NFC business cards to Turkey. Our mission is to make it easier for people to connect, and we think this product does just that.

Let’s not forget Albania!

We are also proud to offer our services in the great country of Albania. We believe that our product can help people in Albania do business more efficiently and connect with one another more easily.

It’s all about connecting people

We believe that our product can help people in Turkey and Albania connect more easily. So whether you’re looking to connect with potential customers or business partners, we think NOKTA can help you make those connections.

It’s about making it easy for people to connect, and we think our product does just that. All it takes is just a tap of the card, and you’re connected.

Never before has connecting with people been so easy!

We have over 10,000 users, and we’re still growing

It’s encouraging to see how many people use and love this product. We currently have over 10,000 users, and we’re still growing. That shows how popular our product is and how much people enjoy using it.

The importance of word-of-mouth advertising is so crucial. Each of those 10,000 plus users is an ambassador for our product, telling their friends and business associates about how great it is.

They are the reason why we are seeing such tremendous growth, and we couldn’t be more grateful to them.

It’s the business card everyone loves to share

There’s something magical about our NOKTA business cards. Everyone who uses them just loves them and wants to share them with their friends.

We think it’s because our latest technology makes it so easy for people to connect. It’s fast, it’s convenient, and it just works.

You get your information inside someone’s smartphone

Think about that for just a moment. What other business cards can say that? So when you share your NOKTA business card with someone, you’re not just giving them your contact information.

You’re giving them a way to connect with you that is much more convenient than anything else. We think that’s pretty amazing, and we think you will too.

Your information goes with whoever you share your business card with because it’s in their phone. You know that no one these days goes anywhere without taking their smartphone with them.

That means that your information is always with them and they can connect with you any time, any place.

Ermal Hamzaj has a vision, and it’s working

CEO. NOKTA, Ermal Hamzaj

The man behind the NOKTA business card is our CEO, Ermal Hamzaj. He’s the one who had the vision for this product, and he’s the one who made it happen.

Ermal is a serial entrepreneur with a passion for connecting people. He believes that our product can help people in Turkey and Albania connect with one another more easily, and he’s making it happen.

We currently have offices in Turkey and Albania, but we plan to expand further. We believe in what we’re doing, and we think you will too.

It’s all about going global

Turkey and Albania are only the beginning. Ermal’s vision is to take the NOKTA business card global. He believes that our product can help people all over the world connect with one another more easily.

We think he’s right, and we’re behind him 100%. It’s entirely possible that in months someone in New York City might be using a NOKTA business card to connect with a potential customer they met from Tokyo.

The business world has changed, and so should your business card

You’re using the same type of business card that your grandpa used. Think about that for a moment. The business world has changed so much since then, but your business card hasn’t.

It’s time for a change, and put yourself in a position to take advantage of all the new opportunities that are out there.

We think you’ll agree that NOKTA is the business card for the 21st century. So try one today and see for yourself. You’ll soon discover how easy and convenient get your information in front of the people who might become customers.