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Tim Cook admits iPhones use Sony camera sensors

Wednesday, December 14th, 2022 3:29pm

By ARN News Staff

For the first time, Apple’s CEO Tim Cook confirmed that the company has been “partnering with Sony for over a decade to create the world’s leading camera sensors for iPhone”.

The reveal comes during his tour of Sony’s Kumamoto manufacturing facility, after he posted a photo on Twitter.

Technology journalists and users have long suspected the use of Sony camera sensors in iPhones, something which has now been confirmed by Cook. 

A rarity, considering the tech giant never reveals details about individual parts manufacturers. 

According to reports, Sony is working on a new sensor that will improve night photography and reduce under and over-exposures.

These sensors are expected to be used in future iPhones, however, the release timeline is not yet clear.

Many reports also suggest that Apple is looking to improve the optical zoom capacity on the iPhone.

Cook also took the opportunity to thank Sony CEO Kenichiro Yoshida for showing him around the facility.