It’s important to eat healthily on a daily basis to ensure your body is at its best. Good food can boost your mood and energy and make your body function properly. Simply adding more vegetables and avoiding processed foods can make a big difference to your microbiome. There are also many studies proving that prebiotics and probiotics are very beneficial to our digestive system. The most important thing is to incorporate as many whole foods as possible, as well as incorporate prebiotics and probiotics to give your gut health the extra boost it needs.
Prebiotics vs. Probiotics
Prebiotics and probiotics are extremely popular buzzwords at the moment, but not many people know the difference between the two. Probiotics are microorganisms that live in your gut and help keep your gut at its strongest and healthiest. A good example of this would be kefir or sauerkraut. Your gut needs to be at its strongest to properly digest and break down the food you eat. This creates less work for your gut and allows your body to absorb the nutrients it needs.
On that note, prebiotics are the food for the probiotics in your gut. Examples include fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Integrating fiber into your diet will promote the growth of probiotics as well as promote good gut health.
What other things can you do?
*Eating mindfully: Take the time to eat your meal. Enjoy each bite. It’s a known fact that eating quickly is not ideal for your digestive system. Not only does it not give it enough time to do its job, but you as well did not get to enjoy your meal as much.
*Intuitive eating: Relying on your intuition to know when to eat and how much takes some training, but it is so crucial to promote good gut health. Counting calories should not be a blanket-solution, nor should it be the method used to promote good health.
*Rest up: Try to include a little bit of rest after eating your meals. Digestion requires a lot of energy, so make sure to give your body a break after fuelling it.
Eating healthily doesn’t need to be stressful. Ravi Sahay’s book May You BE Healthy: Well-being for Pennies a Day will help you understand what small changes like these can do and why it’s never too late to try. With a background in Ayurveda, a history of chronic health issues, and a previous heart attack at age 55, Ravi himself is the perfect example of how you can turn your health around no matter what age you are. This book also includes information about the importance of sleep hygiene, your general hygiene, movement, and even mental health. This book is well-rounded and stems from personal experience, and also includes delicious recipes for you to try.
Find more about Ravi Sahay
Author, May You BE Healthy & My Health is Your Wealth
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