RANT to local TV news; the broadcasts were saturated with coverage of the six snowflakes received. One report showed an area having received 0.1 inches of snow. No surprise that when a large snowfall does occur, no one pays attention due to all the unnecessary snow reporting. Stop scaring people.
RAVE to all the crews out there who work in the cold, and the dark, and the rain and snow to restore power when the electricity goes out. During the storm, we were without power for a few hours, but in our cozy house. When the lights came back on, they were on their way to take care of another outage. All of them are appreciated!
RANT to those who still write a check at the grocery store. Instead of chitchatting while fishing for both your checkbook and a pen to write on, please just swipe a debit card or pay cash while having your money ready. Some of us are in a hurry.
RAVE to the wonderful Samaritans, three in all, who helped me get me and my car out of the snow stuck on a side road on Redmond Ridge. I didn’t know what to do. Two men jumped out of their cars and pushed me to the main road. Then I had to park at a shopping center to hike home, when another wonderful person in a 4×4 offered to drive me home. If any of you see my rave, just know that this older lady thanks you so much.
RANT to the parent I recently heard explaining food allergies to their child as “a food that someone doesn’t like.” You are doing a disservice to people with food allergies and potentially creating a situation in which someone will be harmed or possibly killed by pranks in the school lunchroom. As a parent of a child with serious food allergies, I can assure you that anaphylaxis isn’t simply resolved by a shot with an EpiPen. It also requires a trip to the emergency room where the person undergoes hours of monitoring hooked up to machines and receives more doses of epinephrine. Children may not understand the complexity of allergies, but please be honest with them in terms they can comprehend.
RAVE to everyone who has put up holiday lights! It’s so fun to drive around and look at all the pretty colors!
RAVE to the young woman who took over helping a blind and deaf gentleman who I found trying to find the bus stop at the Capitol Hill light-rail station. I’d seen him bumping into things and attempted to help but could not communicate with him until he spelled out “eight” on my palm, then I helped him get to the bus shelter and bench. His bus was scheduled in 10 minutes, mine in five minutes. I couldn’t see his “I’m blind and deaf” button because his bag strap was covering it but knew he could use help. You came over and saw he’d gotten his yellow flip chart opened to the number 8 and said you would be taking that bus too. I hope you and the gentleman both got to your destinations safely, thank you.
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